产品(pǐn)简介 Introduction
◆ 冷油(yóu)机系列(liè)适用于冷却数控机床,座标镗床,磨床,油压机械,木工雕刻机,切削机械,加工中(zhōng)心,组合机床及(jí)各种精密机床的主轴润滑油和液(yè)压(yā)传动油液的冷却,能精确(què)的控制油温,有(yǒu)效减少机床的热变形,提供机床(chuáng)的(de)加工温(wēn)度,保证机床长时间连续工(gōng)作。冷油机的工作原(yuán)理是利用冷媒的蒸发吸热进行冷却,油泵从机床油箱抽取油液至制冷系统中进(jìn)行热交换处理,冷却后的油液再经冷油机出油管路回到机床油箱中,通过油液的连续循环工作使整个油液(yè)的油温持续下降控温。冷油机采用304不(bú)锈钢一体管路,精密(mì)中高(gāo)温油
◆ 温馨提示:选择水冷式工业冷油机需有冷却水塔或其它冷水源与散热循环水泵方可(kě)使用,如不(bú)具备该(gāi)条件请选择(zé)我司(sī)另一款(kuǎn)冷油机:风冷式工业冷(lěng)油机。
◆ The oil cooler series is suitable for cooling CNC machine tools, coordinateboring machines, grinders, hydraulic machinery, woodworking engravingmachines, cutting machines, machining centers, modular machine tools andvarious precision machine tools for the cooling of spindle lubricating oil andhydraulic transmission oil. Precisely control the oil temperature, effectivelyreduce the thermal deformation of the machine tool, provide the processingtemperature of the machine tool, and ensure the machine tool to workcontinuously for a long time. The working principle of the oil cooler is to usethe evaporative heat absorption of the refrigerant for cooling. The oil pumpdraws the oil from the oil tank of the machine tool to the refrigerationsystem for heat exchange processing. The cooled oil returns to the oil tankof the machine tool through the oil outlet pipe of the oil cooler. , Throughthe continuous circulation of the oil, the oil temperature of the entire oil iscontinuously lowered and controlled. The oil cooler adopts 304 stainlesssteel integrated pipeline and precision medium and high temperature oilpump to ensure no oil leakage.
◆ Reminder: When choosing a water-cooled industrial oil cooler, you need acooling tower or other cold water source and a circulating water pump forheat dissipation. If you do not have this condition, please choose another oilcooler from our company: air-cooled industrial oil cooler.